Upgrade DH
Upgrade DH: Upgrading the Performance of District Heating Networks in Europe
English German Bosnian Danish Croatian Italian Lithuanian Polish Dutch

27.04.2021 Press release - UpgradeDH recommendations to support national District Heating & Cooling Action Plans

The Upgrade DH project supports the upgrading and retrofitting of district heating (DH) systems in different climate regions of Europe, covering various countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Denmark, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, and The Netherlands. These countries are quite diverse in terms of the DH share in the total residential heating demand (ranging from 2.3% in Italy to 64.8% in Denmark) and primary energy sources used to produce heat (from mostly coal in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Poland to mostly renewable energy sources in Lithuania and Denmark). While it is widely acknowledged that district heating and cooling (DHC) systems should have a significant role in the future decarbonised energy system, clear action plans for the development or retrofitting of DHC networks are non-existent in the vast majority of European countries:

Press release

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